Restaurant Bertram
Cancel or change

Do you want to cancel or change your booking? You can find more information on this page.

Cancel or change

If you wish to cancel or change a reservation, you must do this directly at Hotel / Pension Bertram.

We recommend that you inform us of your cancellation or change by e-mail and always ask for confirmation. If you want to cancel or change shortly before the arrival date, it is better to inform us by telephone and request a confirmation by e-mail.

If the cancellation period has expired at the time of cancellation or change, Hotel / Pension Bertram may charge you cancellation costs.

If you do not show up, you will always owe the total reservation amount.

Without written cancellation confirmation (letter or e-mail) from Hotel / Pension Bertram, you have no right of recourse in the event of cancellation costs.

We strongly advise you to cancel and change in time.

  • You do not owe anything for cancellations up to 7 days before arrival.

  • For cancellations from 6 to 4 days before arrival, you will owe 30% of the accommodation costs.

  • This amount must be paid to Hotel / Pension Bertram within 14 days after the cancellation.

  • For cancellations from 3 to 2 days before arrival, you will owe 60% of the accommodation costs.

This amount must be paid to Hotel Pension Bertram within 14 days after the cancellation.

Do you want to cancel or change your reservation?

Please contact us as soon as possible for the possibilities.